4 April 2019. Aula Magna de la Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Turismo de la Campus de Guajara.
Universidad de La Laguna



This event comes under the initiative of the FIMAC project: Acceleration Platform for the improvement of the Competitiveness of the SMEs of the Macaronesia, through the use of Internet technologies of the Future (FIWARE).

The main goal of the event is to carry out a general radiography of the DIGITAL INNOVATION strategies at the European, National and Regional levels, taking into account initiatives and success cases in terms of innovation and technology.

The aim of this day is to introduce the concept of DIGITAL INNOVATION HUB, especially the strategies and initiatives that are underway and that will be launched in the short and medium term. A Digital Innovation Hub is an Ecosystem whose objective is to create the best conditions for long-term business success for all the actors involved and to ensure that every company, whether small or large, high-tech or not, can take advantage of digital opportunities.

The conference will be held in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of La Laguna, on 4 Abril 2019 it will be held in morning and afternoon sessions being as follows.


The day will be held in two sessions, morning and afternoon, beginning at 09.00 with an opening ceremony and ending at 19.00 horus.


09.00 hours to 13.30 hours

During the morning, a knowledge transfer session will be held in three differentiated blocks. Innovation, Technology and Digitization.


In the innovation block, we will work on transmitting the concept of Digital Innovation Hub, as we are working from the EUROPEAN COMMISSION to carry out this strategy throughout Europe. The lines stablished by the MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, TOURISM AND COMMERCE will also be analyzed, then an analysis of European initiatives about Digital Innovation Hubs that are being carried out and finally the Canary Islands Digital Innovation Hub initiative will be presented.


The technology block will be dedicated to FIWARE, Future Internet Technology. For this block we will have the presence of the FIWARE Foundation, which will focus the paper on deepening the scope of this technology, as well as informing the new certification programs that are underway. On the other hand, since we are talking about INNOVATION HUBS, we will have the presence of the president of the FIWARE IHUBS community, [3] as well as the FIWARE ZONE success cases, certified as FIWARE IHUBS 3 stars, and FIMAC as Innovation Hub of Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands.


 The digitization block will be divided into two areas:

  • DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE COMPANY: For this block we will have the company HOP UBIQUITOUS, a start- up that with a spectacular projection in the last 4 years, as well as an example of Madeira.
  • DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: In this block we will have the presence of the person responsible for the European initiative EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIGITAL CITIES CHALLENGE , which will highlight the objectives of this initiative, as well as the results obtained. There will also be success stories in Europe such as the city of Granada, Algeciras or Alcoy.


15.30 hours to 18.30 hours


The afternoon session will be more focused on digital entrepreneurship. In this session will be a presentation of the 16 SMEs that have participated in the acceleration program to improve competitiveness using Internet technologies of the future of the FIMAC project.

This activity will take place in the Aula Magna, where the 16 SMEs of the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands will perform a 5-minute pitch on the project and the technologies used, highlighting the results obtained during participation in the program. It is intended that these projects serve as an example and inspiration to other SMEs that are initiating a digitalization process.

Finally, a professional jury and experts will be responsible for selecting 4 projects that will pass to the last phase of the project whose objective is internationalization and funding opportunities.


In parallel to the previous activity, taking advantage of the presence of members of the FIWARE Community, the first FIWARE INNOVATION HUB MEETING will be held, which will establish the strategies and activities to be executed in the short and medium term, especially with regard to FIWARE SUMMIT May 21 and 22, which will take place in GENOA, ITALY, and where the INNOVATION HUBS will have an important role.


At the same time, in a parallel room of the same faculty, a sectoral table will be held to discuss the digital strategy in the tourism sector. This initiative will be led by the Canary Islands Digital Innovation Hub (CIDIHUB).

The mission of the Digital Innovation Hub of the Canary Islands is to bring digital technologies closer to the regional industry, with special attention to SMEs, providing among others the skills, resources, training and advice needed to do so, and thus achieving our industry and business fabric in general take the maximum benefit possible.

Taking advantage of the presence of the heads of the European Commission, ministry, European initiatives, successful cases in digital transformation and Smart City, as well as public and private entities of the sector in the Canary Islands, it is intended to share strategies and good practices that allow establishing the lines of joint collaboration within the framework of CIDIHUB.


In general, the event is aimed at all audiences, regardless of their training, because of the need for specialization. It is clear that we are in real paradigm of transformation, digital, social and technological, so it´s impossible to put labels or preferences to this type of disruptive events.

Currently companies require people trained in specific subjects, it is increasingly common for students, after completing their studies, to specialize in any subject to compete in the labor market, especially in the technologies demanded by current companies such as BIG DATA, IOT, BUSSINESS INTELIGENCE, FUTURE INTERNET, etc.

This event is   a great opportunity especially for its international nature, being able to see firsthand how digital strategies are being defined at European, national and regional level. Knowing first-hand initiatives such as the Canary Islands Digital Innovation Hub, or that there are 12 Canarian companies that are deploying FIWARE technologies of the future, is an advance in knowledge, a motivation and impulse to digital entrepreneurship, with real and tangible examples both from outside as of our islands.

It should be noted that the FIMAC project is led by the Cabildo Insular de La Palma, which has bet from the start to carry out initiatives that allow its younger inhabitants to have alternatives to their training without having to leave the island. The council seeks through this action to demonstrate that from the Canary Islands and especially from La Palma can be and are carrying out high-level actions in favor of a better future for all students.








08.30 Opening
09.00 Opening Mr. Antonio Martinón


Rector University Of La Laguna Opening
09.10 Opening Mr. Fernando Clavijo Batlle President Of The Goverment Of The Canary Islands Opening
09.15 Acto Inaugural Mr. Jordi Pérez Camacho Consejero de Promoción Económica, Empleo, Comercio, Industria, Energía y Transportes. Cabildo Insular de La Palma Opening
Innovation Block
09.30 Digitalizando Europa Mrs. Anne-Marie Sassen


Project Officer at European Commission. Digital Innovation Hubs Policies. Dg Connect Estrategia Digital Europea
09.45 Development of Digital Innovation Hubs in Spain Mrs. Silvia de La Maza.


Innovation Director of The Innovalia Group


Digital Innovation Initiatives in Spain
10.00 Iniciativas europeas reales sobre Digital Innovation Hubs Mrs. Marie Bourdon


Director of International Projects at Carsa Iniciativas DIHELP y DIH NETWORK
10.15 Canary Island Digital Innovation Hub Mr. Jorge Galván Falcón


Director CIDIHUB Presentación del Digital Innovation Hub de Canarias.
Tecnology Block
10.30 Fiware. European Platform Internet of The Future Mrs. Ángeles Tejado


Fiware Foundation Marketing Manager Fiware As A European Platform To Support The Digitization
10.40 Fiware Digital Innovation Hubs Mr. Juan Marcelo Gaitán Leiva Chairman Fiware Ihub Committee. Objectives and Strategy Fiware Ihubs
10.50 Fiware Zone. Andalusian  Digital Innovation Hub Mr. Daniel Villalba Mota


Fiware Zone Sevilla Fiware Zone as a success story of a Digital Innovation Hub
11.00 Fimac. Fiware Innovation Hub of Macaronesia Mr. José Manuel Cabello


Senior Project Manager Fimac as a success case of the Digital Innovation Hub In Macaronesia
11.15 Coffee Break
Challenges Of Digital Transformation in the Company
11.45 Technologies at The Service of Transformation Mr. Antonio Jara


CEO De HOP Ubiquitous. Pasos para una transformación digital efectiva.
12.00 Data transformation Mr. David Aveiro Project Manager at M-ITI
PRSMA Start Up
Use case based on Energy feedback service for families and households
Challenges Of Digital Transformation in the Cities
12.15 The European Digital Cities Challenge Mrs, Ilektra Papadaki


Policy Officer – Advanced Technologies Objective and Strategy of The DCC Initiative
12.45 Granada Digital City Mr. Francisco M. Aranda


General Coordinator Of The Economy, Finance, Personnel, Contracting And Smart City Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Granada The Process Of Digital Transformation Of Granada
13.00 Lagoa Smart City Mrs. Clara Ganhão Head of the General Administration Division at Lagoa Town Hall; Coordinator of “Lagoa Smart City” and of the Administrative Modernization of the municipality Azores – Small Cities Challenges
13.15 Closing Mrs. Laura Paz Rodríguez


Mr. Jesús de la Maza Alonso

Mr. Julio Brito Santana

Consejera delegada en materia de Empleo y Transporte

Presidente del Grupo Innovalia
Director gerente FGULL

Cabildo Insular de La Palma


Asociación Innovalia

Fundación General de la Universidad de La Laguna

13.30 Lunch


Aula Magna

(All audiences)

Inauguration Fimac Pitch Competition Mr. Airam Fernández Radio and Television presenter / Speaker and Event Dynamization
16.00 -17.00
Bakata Mr. Alfonso Lecuona CEO BAKATA
TETRAPI Creative Solutions Mr. Milton Moura Project Manager at TETRAPI Creative Solutions
Cereal Games and Custom Project Mr. Venício Ponte CEO at Custom Project
Tecnicas Competitivas Mrs. Déborah Pero-Sanz Project Manager TECNICAS COMPETITIVAS
Alondra Mr. Manuel Rojas CEO ALONDRA
Saúde Motriz Mr. Duarte Pino Project Manager SAÚDE MOTRIZ
3d Kumo Mr. David Vanhoucke CTO KUMO TECHNOLOGIES
Subsea Mechatronic Mr. Darío Sosa CEO SUBSEA MECHATRONICS
Coffee Break
17.30 -18.15
Mnx Online Mr. Mannix Manglani CEO MNX ONLINE
Oceomic Mrs. Verónica Benitez CEO OCEOMIC
Conecta Software Mr. Juan Antonio CEO CONECTA SOFTWARE
Resumen Fimac
Technarte Mr. Ignacio Martínez Arte y Tecnología como instrumento de la competitividad
Jury Deliberation
Event Closure
Salón de Grados

(Previous invitation)

Introduction Digital Innovation in Tourism  Mr. Antonio Collado


Canary Island Digital Innovation Hub – Tourism Mr. Jorge Galván
Innovation Hubs – Tourism European Digital Cities Challenge. Mrs. Marie Bourdon
Digital Tourism – Canary Islands Entidades locales
Round Table: Digital Innovation in The Canary Islands Modera. Mr. Antonio Collado
Conclusions / Closing
Organize Canary Islands Digital Innovation Hub